
"...to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up till we all reach unity in the faith..." Hebrews 4:12-13

Pastor - Lee Carmichael
Lee has been an Elim minister since 2004 and has been leading Ingatestone Elim Church since November 2014. Lee is married to Alison and they have a daughter, Martha. Lee is Bi-Vocational, meaning he works part-time for the church (usually Weds, Thurs, Fri and Sun) and part-time for thirtyone:eight, a Christian safeguarding organisation (Usually Mondays and Tuesdays). Lee is an Area Pastor, meeting the pastoral needs of around 10 other ministers. He also serves as a Minister in Training supervisor.
Assistant Pastor - Sid Thurlow
Sid joined our church with his wife Laura as Interns on placement through Elim Missions. Though intending to go overseas their journey has shifted to focusing on establishing the work of believers in recovery and gaining further ministry experience by seeking ministry credentials with Elim through the Minister in Training Programme. Sid will be part time for the church and will have a focus on evangelism and discipleship alongside his training.
Elder - Andrew Fitzwater
Andrew has been a longstanding member of the church and is married to Norah. He runs BSW Marquees and has a background of military service.
Administrator (Deacon) Laura Thurlow
Laura is married to Sid, our assistant pastor, and takes on the office of administrator. She is well qualified with her background of charity management and was recognised for her contributions to the charity sector, being an awarded an BEM in the New Years Honour Lists for 2022! 
Finance Director (Deacon) - Susan Lee
Susan is married to Laurie and serve the church through managing the finances with precision and excellence.
Deacon - Jason Rickett
Jason is married to Catherine. Jason is retired from successfully building up a car accident repair business and garage. Jason heads up our men's ministry and brings valued general input into the leadership team.
Deacon - Joanne Ellis
Joanne is married to Lee (Ellis!) and has been our core team rep for Hope Cafe and Foodbank since their inception. Joanne's oversight of our community facing ministries has led to her appointment of deacon where she contniues to represent this aspect of our church life as well as assisting in other matters relating to the work of the church.
Core Team Reps
Children and Youth - Alison Carmichael
Hope Cafe and Hope Food Bank - Joanne Ellis
Create - Norah Fitzwater
Overseas Missions - John Cavill 
Hospitality - Sandie White
Metropolitan East Region
Regional Leader - David Campbell
David covers the Metropolitan Region which is divided into Met East and Met West and covers over 120 churches. David is a member of the National Leadership Team for Elim and is married to Mandy.
Met East Regional Coordinator - David Redbond
David works in support of our regional leader and manages the day to day affairs of the eastern half of the region. David is also senior leader of the Estuary Elim Churches; covering Ashingdon, Rayleigh and Southend. David is married to Maureen.
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